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Take The Challenge!

Paparazzi Possible is where the mission statement comes to life; putting words into action and turning the confidence that changes the world into tangible acts of kindness. The Paparazzi Mission Statement is not just lip service. Making the impossible possible is what our Paparazzi family does – and you’re a valuable part of it! We bleed pink; making a difference in the lives of others and proving that while $5 jewelry may not change the world, those who wear it not only will, they DO!


This October, we invite you to see what is possible in your community. Join us as a Paparazzi family as we embark on a challenge to perform one act of kindness every day for the next 31 days.


Remember that the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference! Are you up for the challenge? Show us what’s possible! Need some inspiration?

Check out the list of possibilities here!


As you complete your daily act of kindness, share your experience on social media with a post or video and include the hashtag #PaparazziPossible. You never know who may be watching or what fun surprises may be in store for those who participate!


When posting about your experiences, please be respectful of those you are serving by leaving identifying information out of your posts when appropriate.


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